I went to a dentist after starting to have some jaw pain on and off. I don’t have a regular dentist, I’m ashamed to admit. I seem to have a problem with dentists. They give me the heebie-jeebies. No offense. When I got there, he did an x-ray and found a tooth, that already had a filling, now had decay underneath. He said there isn’t enough tooth to save, so he wants me to come back and get an extraction then either a dental bridge or dental implant. I don’t have to tell you again how I feel about dentists. Is there another option?
Dear Humphrey,
Bear in mind I haven’t seen you, but what the dentist you went to is saying doesn’t ring true to me. First, you just started having pain. By what he described the pain would have shown up earlier and been much more severe. Second, if the decay were that severe, he wouldn’t need an x-ray to tell you that. It is even very likely that your filing will have fallen out completely. Thirdly I’m going to suggest you get a second opinion from another dentist.
When you do that, please be certain it is a blind second opinion. What I mean by that is you don’t tell the second opinion dentist who originally diagnosed you or what he said. Just tell him the symptoms and let him draw his own conclusions. That way there will be no bias in his diagnosis.
A Word about Your Dental Anxiety
You are not alone in your heebie-jeebies, and no, I’m not offended. Because of that, I’d like you to see a dentist who offers dental sedation options. This way, for whatever treatment you actually do need, it can be an anxiety-free and pain-free appointment for you.
I have found, in my use of dental sedation, that patients with dental anxiety have their life has been changed. They are able to get to the dentist regularly without any dread. I’d start with nitrous oxide which will relax you but not require you to have someone drive you to or from your appointment.
If you find, you need something stronger, than I would suggest oral conscious sedation. This is quite strong so in addition to driving you to and from your appointment, they will also need to stay with you afterward until you are lucid and steady on your feet again. The good news about such a strong relaxant is you will most likely sleep through your entire appointment.
This blog is brought to you by Lexington, KY Dentist Dr. John Weaver.