Your oral health and your overall health are interrelated. At Williams Family Dentistry, metal-free dentistry is just one way we provide restorations that are both healthy and beautiful.
Allergies and Sensitivities
Dental restorations that contain metal can provoke reactions in people with metal allergies or sensitivities, or immune disorders. Nickel, beryllium, and chromium most commonly cause reactions. Metal in dental work can irritate your oral tissue, cause chronic inflammation, or otherwise provoke a negative reaction.
Metal-Free Restorations
We provide durable, highly aesthetic alternatives to porcelain-fused-to-metal restorations. And they are biocompatible. You won’t have to worry about negative reactions to metal-based dental work that can cause discomfort and result in having your dental work replaced.
Composite Fillings
Instead of amalgam fillings, which contain a variety of metals, if you have any cavities, your teeth will be filled with dental composite. Composite fillings preserve more of your natural tooth structure than amalgam. And they bind to your teeth, strengthen them, and look natural. We will choose a shade of composite that matches your natural teeth. The before-and-after photos above show the natural-looking results of mercury-free fillings.
Our dentists use all-ceramic crowns. They have several advantages over crowns with a metal foundation.
- Metal-free – You won’t experience darkening around your gumline after the crown is bonded to your natural tooth.
- Durability – They are extraordinarily strong and durable.
- Aesthetics – An opaque layer isn’t needed to hide a metal foundation, so your crowns will mimic the color, translucence, and characteristics of your natural teeth.
e-Max – Lithium disilicate is high-strength material for a dental bridge on front teeth. In addition to being metal free, it produces highly aesthetic results. The color, translucence, and gloss will seamlessly blend with your natural teeth.
Zirconia – Zirconium dioxide is a high-strength ceramic that will support a bridge on back teeth. It is often referred to as ceramic steel. It produces natural-looking results that closely match your natural teeth.
Interested in Metal-Free Dentistry?
Our dentists at Williams Family Dentistry participate in ongoing education to provide you with durable, lifelike restorations for your teeth. They use high-quality materials and techniques to ensure your restorations will last. Call our office to request an appointment, or request an appointment online.