I am a “woman of a certain age” who is trying to take back control of her health and fitness. My diet is changed. My exercise is in full swing. Now, I want to remove the mouth full of silver/amalgam fillings I have and replace them with the mercury-free white ones. My dentist said that is a no-go. I was talking to a friend about how frustrated I was about that. She suggested I might have better luck with a holistic dentist. I don’t see any listed in my insurance. How do I go about finding one? Is there anything I need to know? Is it even possible to get them removed?
Dear Amelia,
A holistic dentist factors in the health of your whole body.
Congratulations on all the things you have accomplished! Those are huge and will reap benefits for quite some time. You will not only look younger, you will feel younger as well. I am disappointed your dentist was unwilling to cooperate with you on this. I wish I knew his reasoning. Yes, you can absolutely get these removed, though obviously not from this dentist.
Your friend is correct that you will have more success with a holistic dentist. The reason you do not see them in your insurance is they are not a specialty. Instead, holistic dentistry is a philosophy. They factor in your entire body into your treatment, not just your teeth.
The most important thing you need to know about removing amalgam fillings is there is a special procedure, called a sanitary amalgam removal, that will protect you for the mercury content in the fillings. Any holistic dentist or mercury-free dentist should know this procedure, but I recommend asking them to be certain. They should mention things like a stopper dam, cold water, and vent. If they don’t, look for someone else. You can find either type of dentist by doing an internet search.
Many patients find they feel better after having removed and replaced their silver fillings. I bet you will too.
This blog is brought to you by Lexington, KY Dentist Dr. John Weaver.