Can you help me? I have never had a dental procedure where Novocain worked for me. This is true no matter how many shots they give me. Because of this, all my dental procedures have been excruciating. It is to the point where I only go if there is no other choice because of a tooth infection. My mouth is a wreck as a result. Is there any hope I can have a healthy smile?
Dear Mandy,
I am so sorry for all you have been through. The fact that you are trying to get to the dentist again says a lot about your courage. I also feel confident I can help you.
There is a phenomenon that many dentists are still unaware of that pertains to this very issue. We have found there is a connection between dental anxiety and Novocaine resistance. In other words, the more anxious a patient is going in to a procedure, the higher the likelihood the Novocaine will not work for them. We’re not certain as to why. Some speculate it is a metabolism issue, meaning that your metabolism jumps up during anxiety which in turn burns off the numbing medication too quickly for it to be effective.
The solution is to go to a dentist who is willing to use a relaxant, such as you’d find with dental sedation. I suggest you do an internet search for a sedation dentist. In your case, I would specifically look for one who offers oral conscious sedation.
This is so strong that most patients sleep through their procedures. The only real downside is you will need someone to drive you to and from your appointment as well as stay with you at home for a few hours until you are lucid and steady on your feet again.
In addition to giving you a completely relaxed experience at the dentist, it will also allow you to catch up on your needed dental work much faster because you are able to have more procedures done at each appointment. Before you know it, you will have a healthy, beautiful smile once more with no more dental emergencies.
This blog is brought to you by Lexington, KY Dentist Dr. Weaver.