I lost my teeth due to an extended illness. I have a severe metal allergy so my dentist said I wouldn’t be a good candidate for dental implants because they are made of metal. I thought I’d be okay with dentures. Better dentures than nothing. Unfortunately, I’m just not adjusting to them well. The plate makes me gag. Most of the time I don’t even put them in. Is there a solution for someone in my position?
Dear Candace,
You said you have a dental allergy. Do you know if that allergy includes titanium? The metal in dental implants is strictly titanium, which is quite biocompatible. It’s been used in prosthetics for decades without problems. It may be your dentist is just uncomfortable placing dental implants and therefore steered you away from it.
Let’s say for argument’s sake that you are allergic to titanium. That doesn’t mean you cannot have dental implants. These days zirconia implants are available. Not every dentist is using them yet because they haven’t been around as long os the traditional titanium ones, but I’m certain you’ll be able to find a dentist who is placing them.
I’d do a search for a metal-free dentist or a holistic dentist. They are both dentists who’d be more willing in your situation.
A Word about Dentures
You aren’t alone in finding it difficult to deal with dentures. Many patients do. The good news about implant overdentures is you won’t have to worry about that gag reflex because there will no longer be a plate necessary. You didn’t mention how long you’ve been in dentures. That will have an impact on whether you can immediately have dental implants placed or if you’ll need an intermediary procedure, known as bone grafting. The longer you are in dentures, the more your jaw bone shrinks. Make sure whoever you see does all the necessary diagnostics, including a CT scan.
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